Korea-Iloilo Festival at Festive Walk Iloilo

Korea has taken the world by storm. From media to beauty or everything in between. They are a sure major player of any industry

Last August 17, we were invited to attend the highlight of this year's Korean-Iloilo Festival 2019. Hosted by the Iloilo Korean United Community Association, the program featured live performances from South Korean singers Kang Min and JinHo Bae

Here are some of the photos that were taken during the event:

But if you were not able to attend the event. Don't worry since the fun doesn't stop there. Since you can still experience the Korean culture by:

* Taking snapshot souvenirs at the Gyeongbokgung Palace and Nami Island Photo Booth at the Say Annyeong! Photo Booth located at the Indoor Atrium & 2F Hallway of the Festive Walk Mall
(Aug 16-25)

*  You could also wonder and learn about the inspiring culture and tradition of Korea at the K*Town: Cultural Exhibit at the 2F Hallway of the Mall (Aug 12-25)

* Or you could just take a break by chowing down on the most delectable Seoul food and K-treats at the K*Streets Fair at the Indoor Atrium of the Mall (Aug 23-25)
Zach Golez

A lifestyle blogger based in Iloilo City

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